AB 2860 – California

Status: In Process
Year Introduced: 2024
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB2860

Licensed Physicians and Dentists from Mexico Program. This bill would repeal the provisions regarding the Licensed Physicians and Dentists from Mexico Pilot Program, and would instead establish two bifurcated programs, the Licensed Physicians from Mexico Program and the Licensed Dentists from Mexico Pilot Program. Within these 2 programs, the bill would generally revise and recast certain requirements pertaining to the Licensed Physicians and Dentists from Mexico Pilot Program, including deleting the above-described requirement that Mexican physicians participating in the program enroll in adult English as a second language classes. The bill would instead require those physicians to have satisfactorily completed the Test of English as a Foreign Language or the Occupational English Test, as specified. The bill would remove the requirement that the orientation program be 6 months, and would further require the orientation program to include electronic medical records systems utilized by federally qualified health centers and standards for medical chart notations. The bill would also delete the requirement that the physicians participate in a 6-month externship. The bill would further delete provisions requiring an evaluation of the pilot program to be undertaken with funds provided from philanthropic foundations, and would make various other related changes to the program. Commencing January 1, 2025, the bill would require the Medical Board of California to permit each of the no more than 30 licensed physicians who were issued a 3-year license to practice medicine pursuant to the program to extend their license for 3 years on a one-time basis. Commencing January 1, 2025, and every 3 years thereafter, until January 1, 2041, the bill would require the board to permit no more than an additional specified number of physicians from Mexico to participate in the program. Under the bill, each additional physician selected for the program would not be eligible to renew their 3-year license. The bill would require the federally qualified health centers employing physicians pursuant to the program to continue specified peer review protocols and procedures and to work with the University of California at San Francisco, as provided. The bill would also require the board to work with the community health centers that assisted in recruiting, vetting, and securing required documents from primary sources in Mexico to participate in the pilot program and worked in the placement of physicians in federally qualified health centers that participated in the pilot program.

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