AB 1037 – California

Status: Enacted
Year Introduced: 2019
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1037

Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital: clinics: licensure and regulation: exemption. – Existing law provides for the regulation and licensure of clinics, as defined, by the State Department of Public Health. Under existing law, specified types of clinics are exempted from these licensing provisions, including clinics conducted, operated, or maintained as outpatient departments of hospitals, and clinics operated by nonprofit corporations that satisfy requirements regarding medical research and the receipt of charitable contributions and bequests. This bill would expand the licensing exemption to include any clinic operated by a nonprofit corporation that provides health care services within any zip code that is located within six miles of the physical location of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, is located in the Los Angeles County Service Planning Area 6, and meets specified requirements, such as serving indigent and uninsured individuals pursuant to a charity care policy and participating in a graduate medical education program that is administered by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital. The bill would, by July 1, 2022, require each clinic that is exempt from clinic licensing provisions pursuant to this exemption to report to the Legislature on specified topics, including a community needs assessment for physicians and surgeons.

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