26 02, 2020

Idaho Code Ann. § 41-3443. Best price — most favored nations clause prohibited: Hospital and Service Corporations

Prohibits most favored nation clauses, or clauses having a similar effect, in an agreement between an insurance carrier and a participating provider. A most favored nations clause is an agreement between a payer (such as an insurance company) and a provider that typically requires a provider to give the payer the lowest rate that it gave to any other comparable payer, which can be anticompetitive by encouraging oligopolistic pricing by large payers and increasing barriers for new entrants.

Idaho Code Ann. § 41-3443. Best price — most favored nations clause prohibited: Hospital and Service Corporations
2 08, 2019

SB 1204

The director is hereby encouraged and empowered to obtain federal approval in order that Idaho design and implement changes to its medicaid program that advance the quality of services to participants while allowing access to needed services and containing excessive costs. The design of Idaho's medicaid program shall incorporate the concepts expressed in section 56-251, Idaho Code. (2) The director may create health-need categories other than those stated in section 56-251(2)(a), Idaho Code, subject to legislative approval, and may develop a medicaid benchmark plan for each category. (3) Each benchmark plan shall include explicit [...]

SB 1204
2 08, 2019

SB 1069

Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding contracts with providers of dental services.

SB 1069
2 08, 2019

HB 149

SELF-FUNDED HEALTH CARE PLANS: Amends existing law to provide for a waiver of surplus requirements if a self-funded plan meets certain conditions

HB 149
2 08, 2019

HB 71

Amends and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding group-wide supervision of internationally active insurance groups.

HB 71
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-5901 through 5913: Idaho Rural Health Care Access Program

There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund known as the "Rural Health Care Access Fund." Subject to appropriation by the legislature, moneys in the fund shall be used exclusively for the purpose of grants for improving access to primary care medical services in areas designated as primary care health professional shortage areas and medically underserved areas and their administration pursuant to this chapter.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-5901 through 5913: Idaho Rural Health Care Access Program
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-9001 through 9004: Idaho Health Freedom Act

he power to require or regulate a person's choice in the mode of securing health care services, or to impose a penalty related thereto, is not found in the Constitution of the United States of America, and is therefore a power reserved to the people pursuant to the Ninth Amendment, and to the several states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment. The state of Idaho hereby exercises its sovereign power to declare the public policy of the state of Idaho regarding the right of all persons residing in the state of Idaho in choosing the [...]

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-9001 through 9004: Idaho Health Freedom Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-9101 through 9109: Behavioral Health Community Crisis Centers Act

Hospital emergency departments, jails and law enforcement agencies in Idaho have become the default providers of crisis intervention to Idaho citizens with behavioral health disorders. Extensive resources are being unnecessarily expended by law enforcement and hospitals on behavioral health crisis services. It is the policy of this state that citizens with behavioral health disorders should not be needlessly incarcerated when no crime has been perpetrated or the crime is of a minor nature arising from a behavioral health disorder, crisis or incident. Therefore, it is the intent of the legislature that behavioral health community [...]

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-9101 through 9109: Behavioral Health Community Crisis Centers Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-9201 through 9209: Idaho Direct Primary Care Act

It is the policy of the state of Idaho to promote personal responsibility for health care and the cost-effective delivery of medical services by encouraging innovative use of direct patient-provider practices for primary medical care. Direct patient-provider practices utilize a model of periodic fees for provider access and medical management over time, rather than simply a fee for visit or procedure service model.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-9201 through 9209: Idaho Direct Primary Care Act
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