21 10, 2020

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 54-1801 through 54-1803: Medical Practices Act

Recognizing that the practice of medicine is a privilege granted by the state of Idaho and is not a natural right of individuals, the purpose of this chapter is to assure the public health, safety and welfare in the state by the licensure and regulation of physicians and physician assistants, and the exclusion of unlicensed persons from the practice of medicine.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 54-1801 through 54-1803: Medical Practices Act
15 06, 2020

HB 342

TELEHEALTH – Amends existing law to define “telehealth technologies” and to revise provisions regarding telehealth services, such as availability telehealth medical records. Permits establishing patient-provider relationship via telehealth.

HB 342
15 06, 2020

HB 531

TELEHEALTH – Amends existing law to define “telehealth technologies” and to revise provisions regarding telehealth services, such as availability telehealth medical records. Provides certain drug prescriptions may be issued via telehealth.

HB 531
26 02, 2020

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 44-2701 through 44-2704: Agreements and Covenants Protecting Legitimate Business Interests

A key employee or key independent contractor may enter into a written agreement or covenant that protects the employer’s legitimate business interests and prohibits the key employee or key independent contractor from engaging in employment or a line of business that is in direct competition with the employer’s business after termination of employment, and the same shall be enforceable, if the agreement or covenant is reasonable as to its duration, geographical area, type of employment or line of business, and does not impose a greater restraint than is reasonably necessary to protect the employer’s [...]

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 44-2701 through 44-2704: Agreements and Covenants Protecting Legitimate Business Interests
26 02, 2020

Idaho Code Ann. § 41-3927. Health care providers–Participation by any qualified, willing provider–Contracts–Grievance procedure: Managed Care Reform Act

Provides that any managed care organization issuing benefits shall be ready and willing to enter into care provider service agreements with all qualified providers of the category which are necessary to provide the health care services covered by an organization. Bans most favored nation clauses in managed care plans.

Idaho Code Ann. § 41-3927. Health care providers–Participation by any qualified, willing provider–Contracts–Grievance procedure: Managed Care Reform Act
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