3 08, 2018

SB 1289

PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGER TRANSPARENCY ACT: Would require that pharmacy benefit manager register with the Director of the Idaho Department of Insurance. Would require pharmacy benefits manager to disclose any conflicts of interest. Would allow pharmacy beneift manager to substitute a lower priced generic or therapeutically equivalent drug for a higher priced prescribed drug but only if substitution is made for medical reasons or for reasons that benefit the covered individual. Would require the pharmacy benefit manager to disclose payment, or benefit derived from payment, or other financial benefit for from the dispensing of prescription [...]

SB 1289
3 08, 2018

SB 1336

PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGER TRANSPARENCY ACT:: Adds to existing law to provide for applicability, to provide for required practices for pharmacy benefit managers, to provide for enforcement, and to provide maximum allowable cost transparency requirements for pharmacy benefit managers. The purpose of this legislation is to establish a Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act so that pharmacies in Idaho have all the information needed to make operational business decisions. The legislation would create and give oversight of PBMs that operate in Idaho to the Idaho Department of Insurance (DOI), along with establishing transparency of the covered [...]

SB 1336
3 08, 2018

SCR 145

PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS: Authorizes the Legislative Council to appoint a committee to undertake and complete a study of pharmacy benefit manager transparency.This resolution authorizes the Legislative Council to form an Interim Committee to resolve issues dealing with Pharmacy Benefit Managers, the Idaho Department of Insurance, and the Idaho Pharmacists, to help lower costs as other states have done.

SCR 145
3 08, 2018

HB 339

PHARMACY: This bill amends the Pharmacy Practice Act to enable prescriber-authorized substitution for drug products that are in the same therapeutic class and are expected to have a substantially equivalent therapeutic effect, provided certain conditions are met. Specifically, both the prescriber and patient must opt-in to the drug product substitution, and the substitution must intend to lower the cost to the patient. In addition, the pharmacist must notify the original prescriber when a substitution occurs.

HB 339
3 08, 2018

HB 615

HEALTH CARE – Adds to existing law to provide that the Director of the Department of Insurance shall permit health benefit plans that are not ACA compliant, to provide a direct primary care program for Medicaid participants, and to provide that the State Department of Health and Welfare shall seek certain waivers or amendments to waivers. The new statute would provide flexibility from individual and small employer insurance plans requirement for essential health care benefits, state community and age ratings, and actuarial value regulations. Idaho insurance companies would be able to offer less-expensive, tailored [...]

HB 615
3 08, 2018

SB 338

HEALTH CARE – Adds to and amends existing law to authorize application for a certain waiver, to provide that the Board of Directors of the Idaho Individual High Risk Reinsurance Pool shall take certain action, to provide medical assistance eligibility for certain individuals and to provide that the Department of Health and Welfare will establish certain premiums. This legislation allows the Department of Insurance director to implement a 1332 State Innovation Waiver to allow individuals 0-100% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) to apply for Advanced Payment of Tax Credits and purchase private health insurance [...]

SB 338
3 08, 2018

SB 1288

OUT-OF-STATE INSURERS: Adds to and amends existing law to provide for interstate health insurance sales and to authorize out-of-state insurers to sell health insurance in Idaho under certain conditions. This legislation will establish the Idaho Free Market Insurance Act that will allow individuals and groups to lower their health insurance costs by making available competitive health plans from out-of-state insurance companies.

SB 1288
3 08, 2018

HB 495

HEALTH CARE BILLING EQUITY ACT: Adds to existing law to enact the Health Care Billing Equity Act. This medical services consumer protection bill protects patients who receive health care services in an in-network hospital, under their insurance plan, from being billed extra for out-of-network provider services. Patients admitted to a hospital for emergency or elective services with the understanding that it is a facility covered under their insurance policy are sometimes surprised to receive billings from out-of-network providers for care without the patient's consent. This bill would preclude that practice except for elective care [...]

HB 495
3 08, 2018

HB 464

HEALTH CARE: Adds to and amends existing law to authorize application for a certain waiver, to provide that the Board of Directors of the Idaho Individual High Risk Reinsurance Pool shall take certain action, to provide medical assistance eligibility for certain individuals and to provide that the Department of Health and Welfare will establish certain premiums and work requirements. This legislation allows the Department of Insurance agency director to apply for and implement a 1332 State Innovation Waiver to provide equal treatment of Idaho citizens as legal non-citizens and allow Idaho families 0-100% of [...]

HB 464
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