16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 48-101 through 118: Idaho Competition Act

The Idaho legislature finds that fair competition is fundamental to the free market system. The unrestrained interaction of competitive forces will yield the best allocation of Idaho's economic resources, the lowest prices, the highest quality, and the greatest material progress, while at the same time providing an environment conducive to the preservation of our democratic and social institutions.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 48-101 through 118: Idaho Competition Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 48-201 through 206: Anti-Price Discrimination Act

It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in commerce to discriminate in price between different purchasers of commodities of like grade and quality or to discriminate in price between different sections, communities or cities or portions thereof or between different locations in such sections, communities, cities or portions thereof in this state, where the effect of such discriminations may be substantially to lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly in any line of commerce

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 48-201 through 206: Anti-Price Discrimination Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 48-801 through 807: Idaho Trade Secrets Act

In an action under this chapter, a court shall preserve the secrecy of an alleged trade secret by reasonable means, which may include granting protective orders in connection with discovery proceedings, holding in-camera hearings, sealing the records of the action, and ordering any person involved in the litigation not to disclose an alleged trade secret without prior court approval.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 48-801 through 807: Idaho Trade Secrets Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1303b. Agreements for allocation of services between neighboring hospitals: Hospital Licenses and Inspection

Hospitals serving the same, or generally the same, geographical area may, by agreement or other arrangement to eliminate duplication, allocate as between themselves, in whole or in part, the provision of those services and facilities defined by the board of health and welfare as requisite to their licensure as hospitals.

Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1303b. Agreements for allocation of services between neighboring hospitals: Hospital Licenses and Inspection
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-1401 through 1417: Health Facilities Construction Act

The agency is authorized and directed to make an inventory of existing health facilities, including public, nonprofit and proprietary, to survey the need for construction of health facilities, and, on the basis of such inventory and survey, to develop a program for the construction of such public and other nonprofit facilities as will, in conjunction with existing facilities, afford the necessary physical facilities for furnishing adequate health facilities and similar services to all the people of the state.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-1401 through 1417: Health Facilities Construction Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. § 56-1054. Health quality planning: Department of Health and Welfare

Creates a Health Quality Planning Commission within the Department of Health and Welfare to promote improved quality of care and improved health outcomes “through investment in health information technology and in patient safety and quality initiatives in the state of Ohio.” The Commission is charged with monitoring the Idaho Health Data Exchange, which facilitates clinical sharing of patient information between providers. The Commission is also recommending the creation of a hospital discharge database and an APCD (see below).

Idaho Code Ann. § 56-1054. Health quality planning: Department of Health and Welfare
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-4901 through 4904: Health Planning Act

Permits the state attorney general to authorize cooperative agreements between health care providers by issuing a certificate of public advantage if the “likely benefits resulting from the agreements outweigh the disadvantages attributable to a reduction in competition that may result from such agreements.”

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 39-4901 through 4904: Health Planning Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 56-260 through 266: Medicaid Cost Containment and Health Care Improvement Act

Directs the Department of Health and Welfare to present a plan for Medicaid managed care geared towards high-cost populations to sixty-first Idaho legislature (2011). The plan is to include, among other things, improved coordination of care through primary care medical homes, contracts based on risk-sharing or capitated payments, and the elimination of duplicative practices that result in unnecessary utilization and costs.

Idaho Code Ann. §§ 56-260 through 266: Medicaid Cost Containment and Health Care Improvement Act
16 05, 2019

Idaho Code Ann. § 56-267. Medicaid eligibility expansion: Medicaid Cost Containment and Health Care Improvement Act

Notwithstanding any provision of law or federal waiver to the contrary, the state shall amend its state plan to expand Medicaid eligibility to include those persons under sixty-five (65) years of age whose modified adjusted gross income is one hundred thirty-three percent (133%) of the federal poverty level or below and who are not otherwise eligible for any other coverage under the state plan, in accordance with sections 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) and 1902(e)(14) of the Social Security Act.

Idaho Code Ann. § 56-267. Medicaid eligibility expansion: Medicaid Cost Containment and Health Care Improvement Act
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