5 06, 2024

Verdict in Sidibe v. Sutter Health Overturned by 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Sutter Health’s win in a $411 million antitrust suit, saying that the jury that found in favor of Sutter in 2022 was given improper jury instructions, and that the plaintiffs were improperly prevented from presenting relevant evidence. In September 2012, a class of individuals and employers who purchased fully insured plans from the five largest commercial health insurance companies in California filed this lawsuit alleging that Sutter Health restricted competition in the healthcare market using anticompetitive tactics. A similar lawsuit, filed by a class [...]

Verdict in Sidibe v. Sutter Health Overturned by 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
29 05, 2024

Governor Newsom’s May Revision to the California 2024-2025 State Budget

On May 10, California Governor Gavin Newsom released the “May Revise” to his initial January proposal for California’s 2024-2025 budget. The revised budgetary proposal lays out $288 billion in total spending [1], a reduction of $3.5 billion from his initial January proposal [2]. The decreased budget proposal reflects the increase in the state deficit, originally projected to be $38 billion, now forecasted to exceed $45 billion, [1]. This is a $17.6 billion difference from the Governor’s estimated shortfall of $27.6 billion [3]. Throughout 2021, California’s revenue experienced a surplus following the federal payout during [...]

Governor Newsom’s May Revision to the California 2024-2025 State Budget
30 04, 2024

California Legislature Considering Bills to Ease CHFFA Hospital Loan Repayment

Introduction In February 2024, lawmakers in California introduced Assembly Bill 2098 and Assembly Bill 2637.  Both bills would make changes to loans offered by the California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA), an important entity that helps struggling California hospitals. These loans are often essential to communities because they help the local hospitals get back onto sound financial footing. Background The California Legislature created CHFFA in 1979 to provide financial help to hospitals and other healthcare providers via loans that are funded through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds.  The financing can be used for a variety [...]

California Legislature Considering Bills to Ease CHFFA Hospital Loan Repayment
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