AB 1036 – California

Status: In Process
Year Introduced: 2023
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1036

Health care coverage: emergency medical transport.
This bill would require a physician, upon an individual’s arrival to an emergency department of a hospital, to certify in the treatment record whether an emergency medical condition existed, or was reasonably believed to have existed, and required emergency medical transportation services, as specified. This bill would, if a physician has certified that emergency medical transportation services according to these provisions, require a health care service plan, disability insurance policy, and Medi-Cal managed care plan, to provide coverage for emergency medical transport, consistent with an individual’s plan or policy. The bill would specify that the indication by a physician pursuant to these provisions is limited to an assessment of the medical necessity of the emergency medical transport services, and does not apply or otherwise impact provisions regarding coverage for care provided following completion of the emergency medical transport. The bill would specify for Medi-Cal benefits, these provisions do not apply to various specified provisions relating to nonemergency transport services or any other law or regulation related to reimbursement or authorization requirements for services provided for emergency services and care.

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