AB 1102 – California

Status: Enacted
Year Introduced: 2021
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1102

Telephone medical advice services.
Existing law requires a telephone medical advice service, as defined, to be responsible for, among other requirements, ensuring that all health care professionals who provide medical advice services are appropriately licensed, certified, or registered, as specified. Existing law requires the respective healing arts licensing board to be responsible for enforcing specified provisions related to telephone medical advice services.
Existing law requires a telephone medical advice service to ensure that all health care professionals who provide telephone medical advice services from an out-of-state location are licensed, registered, or certified in the state within which they are providing the telephone medical advice services and are operating consistent with the laws governing their respective scopes of practice. Existing law further requires a telephone medical advice service to comply with all directions and requests for information made by the Department of Consumer Affairs.
This bill would specify that a telephone medical advice service is required to ensure that all health care professionals who provide telephone medical advice services from an out-of-state location are operating consistent with the laws governing their respective licenses. The bill would specify that a telephone medical advice service is required to comply with all directions and requests for information made by the respective healing arts licensing boards.

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