Webinar Recording Available: State Approaches to Mitigating Health Provider Consolidation and Its Effects on Prices
On October 21, the Milbank Memorial Fund and the Source on Healthcare Price and Competition hosted a webinar on steps that states are taking to foster more competitive health care markets and lower health care prices, featuring The Source Senior Health Policy Researcher Katie Gudiksen and state regulators from Connecticut and Oregon. The recording is now available to watch for free:
For more information, check out the 3-part Milbank Memorial Bank series authored by the Source team. The first brief called for collaboration of state and federal policymakers; the second brief focused on state action to oversee provider consolidation; the third brief examined how dominant health systems can exert their market power through contracting practices and offers policy options to state policymakers.
- State Action to Oversee Consolidation of Health Care Providers
- Who Can Rein in Health Care Prices? State and Federal Efforts to Address Health Care Provider Consolidation
- Mitigating the Price Impacts of Health Care Provider Consolidation