Katie Gudiksen
Katie Gudiksen, Ph.D., is the Executive Editor for The Source on Healthcare Price and Competition. Dr. Gudiksen is an expert in healthcare reform and the drivers of healthcare costs, with a special interest in market consolidation and state policies to address market power. She has helped draft model legislation to improve state merger review processes and to prohibit anticompetitive terms in contracts between insurers and health systems. Her current work focuses on evaluating the options states have to restrict excessive provider prices, including cost-growth benchmarks and state public options. Her work has been published in Health Affairs, Frontiers in Health Services, the Harvard Journal on Legislation, and the New England Journal of Medicine, and covered by media outlet such as the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. She has successfully worked with various state policymakers and stakeholders by writing model legislation (in collaboration with the National Academy of State Health Policy, NASHP), commenting on bill language, presenting to various state agencies and officials, and testifying as expert witness at state legislative hearings, and informational sessions, including the Nevada Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Nevada Assembly Health Committee, and legislative briefings in Connecticut. Bills similar to the model legislation she drafted were also introduced in a handful of states and passed in Nevada, New York, and Indiana. She holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Chemistry, an M.S. in Health Policy and Law from the University of California, San Francisco and the University of California, College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings), a B.S. in Chemistry and Physics, and B.A. in Mathematics from Hope College.
See her Profile Page and the Source Blog Author Page.
As Hospitals Grow, So Does Your Bill
New evidence on the impacts of cross-market hospital mergers on commercial prices and measures of quality
Pharma Litigation Threatens to Limit State Drug Pricing Policy
Models for Enhanced Health Care Market Oversight
How Will Draft Merger Guidelines Impact Health Care Markets?
Considerations for state-imposed conditions on healthcare provider transactions
The Department Of Justice Withdraws ‘Outdated’ Antitrust Health Care Guidance
A Step Forward for Health Care Market Oversight: Oregon Health Authority’s Health Care Market Oversight Program
American Bar Association 2022 Antitrust Fall Forum
Taming Health Insurance Costs for Employers and Employees
Options for states to constrain pricing power of health care providers
Can Taxes Help Address High Health Care Prices?
Are State Public Option Health Plans Worth It?
Consolidation of Health Care Providers
Mitigating the Price Impacts of Health Care Provider Consolidation
State Public Option Plans — Too Modest to Improve Affordability?
State Action to Oversee Consolidation of Health Care Providers
State Efforts to Address Health Care Consolidation and Costs
High Court ERISA Ruling Frees States To Tackle Health Costs
States Risk Losing Power to Regulate Pharmacy Drug Middlemen
California’s Sutter Health Settlement: What States Can Learn About Protecting Residents from the Effects of Health Care Provider Consolidation
Preventing Anticompetitive Contracting Practices in Healthcare Markets
State Efforts to Address Health Care Consolidation and Costs
A Lesson from States: Curtailing Anticompetitive Health Care Consolidation
The skinny on the PBM case before the U.S. Supreme Court
Navigating Legal Challenges to State Efforts to Control Drug Prices