State of Ohio v. OptumRx
Date Filed: March 15, 2019Status: Pending
District Court: Ohio Court of Common Pleas (Franklin County) – No. 19-cv-2263
Nature of Suit: Drug Pricing
Defendant Type: Pharma (PBM)
Plaintiff Type: State
Case Info:$16-Million-i|$16-Million-i
Court Document:
On March 15, 2019, Ohio’s attorney general Dave Yost sued OptumRx in Ohio state court, claiming that between 2015 and 2018, the PBM failed to pass drug discounts to Ohio’s Bureau of Worker’s Compensation and overcharged the state by more than $15.8 million. This action results from the state’s ongoing investigation of PBM practices, which previously led to the state’s cancellation of PBM contracts in Medicaid over issues of spread pricing. (See The Source blog post Innovations in State Medicaid Programs to Control Prescription Drug Costs for more info).
Associated Legislation:
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