SB 5084 – Washington
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2015
ALL PAYER CLAIMS DATABASE (ACPD): requires the Office of Financial Management to establish a statewide all-payer health care claims database that builds upon the ACPD created by HB 2572; that covers all health care providers. The database will collect all medical and pharmacy claims from public and private payers. Claims data will include billed, allowed, and paid amounts. The bill specifically provided claims data provided to the database, the database itself, and the raw data received by the database are not public records and are exempt from public disclosure and are not subject to subpoena.
A lead organization will be created and will be responsible for preparing health care data reports, using the database and statewide health performance and quality measure sets. The Office of Financial Management will review the reports prior to their release to the public.
If a public or private individual wants access to the data for individual analysis, it will need to file a request that includes: the requestors identity; the purpose of the request; a description of proposed methodology; specific variables requested and why the information is necessary to achieve the stated purpose; how the requester will protect the data’s privacy and confidentiality; how the data will be stored, destroyed, or returned; how the requester will protect the data from being used for purposes not authorized by the requester’s application; and consent to the penalties associated with misuse of the data.
See State of Reform article on the bill’s passage and implications.
Chapter 246, 2015 Laws
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