SB 1696 – Illinois
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2019
Year Enacted: 2019
Link: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=1696&GAID=15&DocTypeID=SB&SessionID=108&GA=101
DHFS-TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP. Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that during the first quarter of State Fiscal Year 2020, the Department of Healthcare of Family Services must convene a technical advisory group consisting of members of all trade associations representing Illinois skilled nursing providers to discuss changes necessary with the federal implementation of Medicare’s Patient-Driven Payment Model. Provides that implementation of Medicare’s Patient-Driven Payment Model shall, by September 1, 2020, end the collection of the MDS data that is necessary to maintain the current RUG-IV Medicaid payment methodology. Requires the technical advisory group to consider a revised reimbursement methodology that takes into account transparency, accountability, actual staffing as reported under the federally required Payroll Based Journal system, changes to the minimum wage, adequacy in coverage of the cost of care, and a quality component that rewards quality improvements. Effective immediately.
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