SB 1011 – Oklahoma
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2019
Link: http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=SB1011&Session=1900
An Act relating to insurance; creating the Out-of-Network Unforeseen Billing Transparency Act; requiring certain insurers to assess network adequacy; requiring Insurance Commissioner to review adequacy at certain times; requiring certain insurers to provide certain coverage options; authorizing Commissioner to require certain coverage options of insurers; authorizing Commissioner to waive certain coverage requirements in certain circumstances; exempting certain medical services from act; providing construing provision; requiring health care plan to cover emergency services at certain cost; requiring insurer give certain notice to insured about coverage; requiring insurer provide certain documents and information to insured about covered facilities and coverage in-network and out-of-network; requiring certain provision in contract between health carrier and provider; applying certain section to nonemergency services; requiring certain health care professionals to disclose health care plans and hospitals they belong to; requiring out-of-network health care professionals provide certain information within two days; requiring physicians to provide information of certain health care professionals scheduled to treat patient; requiring hospitals to post certain information on website; requiring out-of-network services written disclosure in certain circumstances; providing elements of written disclosure; requiring hospitals to provide certain information in admission or registration materials; establishing certain pricing and dispute resolution information as confidential; requiring out-of-network billing statement to contain certain information and notice; requiring health carriers to develop program for payment of certain out-of-network, facility-based provider bills; establishing requirements of program; prohibiting balanced billing in certain circumstances.
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