N.Y. Pub. Health Law Chapter 57 – New York

Status: Enacted
Link: https://custom.statenet.com/public/resources.cgi?id=ID:bill:NY2017000S2007&ciq=ncsldc3&client_md=e859cf75599f35248e4fb3672d5d7766&mode=current_text

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state health and mental health budget for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year; relates to controlling drug costs; relates to the drug utilization review board; relates to Medicaid reimbursement of covered outpatient drugs; authorizes the suspension of a provider’s Medicaid enrollment for inappropriate prescribing of opioids; relates to reducing Medicaid coverage and increasing copayments for non-prescription drugs to aligning pharmacy copayment requirements with federal regulations, and to adjusting consumer price index penalties for generic drugs.


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