N.Y. Gen. Mun. Law §§ 103, 103-d, & 103-e: Public Contracts – New York
Status: EnactedYear Enacted: 1953
Year Amended: 2018
File: Download
Statute mandates that the relevant government entity is to award public work and purchasing contracts through the most competitive method possible. Thus, the statute outlines various requirements that must be met to maintain competition, such as specifying the proper means of advertising. The contracts are to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, but it may also be awarded on the basis of best value. The statute outlines various exceptions to the rule in which competitive requirements do not need to be met or the statute provides alternative actions if a mistake was to occur. The statute prohibits any conspiracies to prevent the competitive process from occurring. The statute exempts municipal hospitals or nutrition programs receiving federal, state, or local funding.
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