
LD 1263 – Maine

Status: Enacted
Year Introduced: 2019
Link: http://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/display_ps.asp?LD=1263&snum=129

This bill does the following:
1. It provides immunity from liability to health care practitioners who voluntarily provide health care services through telehealth in the same manner as immunity is provided to health care practitioners who voluntarily provide health care services in person.
2. It requires carriers that offer health plans in this State to provide coverage for health care services provided through telehealth services in the same manner as coverage is provided for services provided in person and sets forth certain standards for coverage of telehealth services.
3. It clarifies that carriers may apply prior approval and credentialing requirements for providers for services provided through telehealth services only if the requirements are the same as are applied for services provided in person.
4. It makes the bill’s provisions apply to health insurance policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2020.

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