HB 1604 – New Hampshire
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2023
Link: https://gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/legacy/bs2016/bill_status.aspx?lsr=2380&sy=2024&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2024&txtbillnumber=HB1604
This bill prohibits health carriers from requiring that providers use electronic medical records (EMRs) and establishes requirements regarding patient access to such records. Specifically, the bill prohibits health carriers from requiring a provider to use an EMR, withholding provider fees for not using an EMR, requiring specific EMR formats or content, and allows patients or their legal guardians to review and obtain copies of their EMRs at no cost within 24 hours. The bill also requires the development of a protocol to address patient concerns about perceived inaccuracies in their EMRs.
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