HB 697 – Georgia
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2022
Link: https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/60225
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 12 of Chapter 7 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to health care data collection, so as to require hospitals to participate in a survey disclosing whether such hospitals maintain technology allowing the electronic sharing of certain patient information with other hospitals; to provide for definitions; to provide that the department shall collect the survey results and submit a report to the legislature; to provide for repeal; to require the use of certified electronic health technology by certain hospitals; to provide for rule and regulation; to provide for applicability; to provide for a short title; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
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