HB 552 (see companion bill SB 403) – Hawaii
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2017
Link: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2017/bills/HB552_SD2_.HTM
ESTABLISHES THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE WORKING GROUP: Preserves the ACA’s primary provisions, regardless of what happens on the federal level. Specifically, the bill calls for the preservation of the individual mandate; minimum essential benefit requirements; dependents allowed on parents’ health plan until age 26; the ban on pre-existing condition exclusions and gender based premiums.
Additionally, the bill establishes the Medicaid Plus program which requires the Department of Human Services to provide insurance coverage to individuals and qualifying families whose income is between 138.5 percent and 250 percent of the federal poverty level in Hawaii. The Medicaid Plus program includes the following essential health care benefits: ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization benefits; pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care; laboratory services; preventative and wellness services and chronic disease management; and limited prescription drug coverage.
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