HB 5485 – Connecticut
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2022
Link: https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&bill_num=HB05485&which_year=2022
If a hospital or health system charges a facility fee utilizing a
current procedural terminology evaluation and management (CPT E/M) code or assessment and management (CPT A/M) code for outpatient services provided at a hospital-based facility where a professional fee is also expected to be charged, the hospital or health system shall provide the patient with a written notice that includes the amount of the patient’s potential financial liability, including any facility fee likely to be charged, and, where professional medical services are provided by an affiliated provider, any professional fee likely to be charged, or, if the exact type and extent of the professional medical services needed are not known or the terms of a patient’s health insurance coverage are not known with reasonable certainty, an estimate of the patient’s financial liability based on typical or average charges for visits to the hospital-based facility, including the
facility fee, (B) a statement that the patient’s actual financial liability will depend on the professional medical services actually provided to the patient, an explanation that the patient may incur financial liability, etc.
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