HB 4702 – Michigan
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2019
Link: http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?2019-HB-4702
Consumer protection; unfair trade practices; insulin drug pricing report; require by the department of attorney general. Amends 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.901 – 445.922) by adding sec. 9b & repeals sec. 9b of 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.909b). The attorney general shall investigate pricing of Prescription insulin drugs to ensure adequate consumer protections in pricing of Prescription insulin drugs. The attorney general may issue an administrative subpoena that requires any of the following to furnish material, answers, data, or other information that is relevant to the investigation:
(a) another state officer, department, or agency.
(b) a pharmacy benefits manager or other carrier.
(c) a manufacturer of prescription insulin drugs that are made available in this state.
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