HB 4096 – Illinois
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2017
Link: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4096&GAID=14&GA=100&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=107898&SessionID=91
PREFERRED DRUG LIST: Provides that the Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall require each Medicaid Managed Care Organization to list as preferred on the Medicaid Managed Care Organization’s preferred drug list every pharmaceutical that is listed as preferred on the Department’s preferred drug list. Provides that the Department shall not prohibit, or adopt any rules or policies that prohibit, a Medicaid Managed Care Organization from: (i) covering additional pharmaceuticals that are not listed on the Department’s preferred drug list; or (ii) removing from the Medicaid Managed Care Organization’s preferred drug list any prior approval requirements applicable under the Department’s preferred drug list. Provides that the Department shall not require a Medicaid Managed Care Organization to utilize a single, statewide preferred drug list and shall not prohibit a plan from negotiating drug pricing concessions or rebates on any drug with pharmaceutical companies, unless otherwise required by federal law. Provides that no later than July 1, 2018, the Department shall develop a standardized format for all Medicaid Managed Care Organization preferred drug lists in cooperation with Medicaid Managed Care Organizations and stakeholders, including, but not limited to, community-based organizations, providers, and individuals or entities with expertise in drug formulary development. Requires each Medicaid Managed Care Organization to post its preferred drug list on its website without restricting access to enrolled members and to update the preferred drug list posted on its website within 2 business days of making any changes to the preferred drug list, including, but not limited to, any and all changes to requirements for prior approval. Effective immediately.
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