HB 3019 – West Virginia
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2020
Link: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Bill_Status/Bills_history.cfm?input=3019&year=2020&sessiontype=RS&btype=bill
Health Care Transparency Act: The purpose of this bill is to address general concerns about transparency in health care. The bill creates the Health Care Transparency Act. The bill requires the Bureau for Public Health  to produce an estimate for creating and maintaining a health care price transparency tool, with technical support from the Health Care Authority, that is accessible by the public. The bill sets forth transparency tool requirements. The bill requires rule-making. The bill establishes new disclosure requirements for health care providers, hospitals, and insurers. The bill requires insurers develop an access plan for consumers. The bill establishes how surprise bills are to be handled in certain circumstances, and defines the term “surprise bill.”
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