HB 2412 – Missouri
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2020
Link: https://house.mo.gov/Bill.aspx?bill=HB2412&year=2020&code=R
This bill enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs. No later than March 1, 2022, and annually thereafter, the pharmacy benefits manager (“PBM”) utilized by the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP) shall file a report with MCHCP for the immediately preceding calendar year regarding rebates, as defined in the bill. The report shall include certain information regarding MCHCP, including the aggregate dollar amount of rebates
collected from pharmaceutical manufacturers, the aggregate dollar amount of the rebates that were not passed on to MCHCP, and the aggregate dollar amount of all fees and payments received from pharmaceutical manufacturers. MCHCP shall establish a form for the reporting, in consultation with its PBM, designed to minimize administrative burden and cost.
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