HB 2260 (see companion bill SB 1027) – Virginia
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2019
Link: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?191+sum+HB2260
Health insurance; catastrophic health plans: Authorizes health carriers to offer catastrophic plans on the individual market and to offer such plans to all individuals. The measure provides that a catastrophic plan is deemed to provide an essential health benefits package and to meet certain requirements of federal law. A catastrophic plan is a high-deductible health care plan that provides essential health benefits and coverage for at least three primary care visits per policy year. Under the federal Affordable Care Act, catastrophic plans satisfy requirements that health benefit plans provide minimum levels of coverage only if they cover individuals who are under 30 years of age or who qualify for a hardship exemption or affordability exemption. The measure requires the Commissioner of Insurance to apply to the federal government for a state innovation waiver allowing the implementation of the provision. The provision will become effective 30 days after the Commissioner notifies certain persons that the request has been approved. This bill is identical to SB 1027.
*Status: Vetoed by Governor
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