
HB 169 – Delaware

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2019
Link: https://legis.delaware.gov/BillDetail?LegislationId=47550

This bill changes the relationship between physicians and physician assistants from supervisory to collaborative, in recognition of the evolving role of physician assistants and reflecting the education, training, and experience required for licensing, which emphasizes the team-based practice model. The bill retains a 1:4 ratio of physician assistants to physicians, unless a regulation of the Board increases or decreases the number. This limit of 1:4 does not apply to physicians and physician assistants who practice in the same physical office or facility building, such as an emergency department. This bill increases the number of Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline members from 16 to 18, to include two physician assistant members appointed by the Regulatory Council for Physician Assistants. The bill authorizes physician assistants to participate as uncompensated volunteers in public or community events.

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