HB 1571 (see companion bill SB 938) – Maryland
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2020
Year Enacted: 2020
Link: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/HB1571?ys=2020RS
Hospitals – Changes in Status – Hospital Employee Retraining and Placement. Providing that the assessment of a certain fee by the State Health Services Cost Review Commission for funding the Hospital Employees Retraining Fund is to be in the case of a hospital closure, merger, or full delicensure; altering the circumstances under which hospitals are required to pay a certain fee directly to the Maryland Department of Labor; requiring certain hospitals to pay an annual direct remittance to the Department by July 1; requiring certain money from the Fund be returned to certain hospitals under certain circumstances; etc.
Key Issues:
Provider Payment
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