HB 1549 – Florida

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2024
Link: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/1549

This bill relates to healthcare reforms in Florida. It requires physicians to provide several specified types of information to the Department of Health for consolidation, introduces reforms to the Dental Student Loan Repayment Program, and renames the Medical Education Reimbursement and Loan Repayment Program to the Florida Reimbursement Assistance for Medical Education Program. It also establishes a health care screening and services grant program, expands the telehealth minority maternity care program to a statewide level, and sets requirements for birth centers to be designated as advanced birth centers. The bill reforms eligibility and licensing requirements for several healthcare practitioner roles, creates the Practice of Audiology and Speech-language Pathology Interstate Compact and Physical Therapy Licensure Compact for cross-state telehealth services, and orders annual reports on aspects of the medical education system. It also sets provisions for emergency treatment within mental health facilities and expands services for psychiatric nurses.

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