HB 1296 – Texas
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2017
Link: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/85R/billtext/pdf/HB01296I.pdf
Proposes a health benefit plan that provides benefits for prescription drugs that would prorate any cost-sharing amount charged for a prescription drug dispensed in a quantity that is less than a 30 days ’ supply if: the pharmacy or the enrollee ’s prescribing physician or health care provider notifies the health benefit plan that the quantity dispensed is to synchronize the dates that the pharmacy dispenses the enrollee ’s prescription drugs; and the synchronization of the dates is in the best interest of the enrollee; and the enrollee agrees to the synchronization. Subchapter J will be amended into Chapter 1369 of the Insurance Code. Effective 9/1/17.
Key Issues:
Benefit Design
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