HB 1104 – Washington
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2019
Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1104&Year=2019&initiative=
REQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF A WAIVER TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO CREATE THE WASHINGTON HEALTH SECURITY TRUST. The people of the state of Washington declare their intention to create a single health financing entity called the Washington health security trust. Through public hearings, research, and consensus building, the trust will: (a) Provide fair, simple, and accountable health care financing for all Washington residents using a single health care financing entity; (b) cover a comprehensive package of effective and necessary personal health services; (c) make health care coverage independent from employment; (d) eliminate excessive administrative costs resulting from the current fragmented system of multiple insurers; (e) generate savings sufficient to ensure coverage for all Washington residents; (f) integrate current publicly sponsored health programs into the health security trust; (g) preserve choice of providers for Washington residents; (h) protect patient rights; (i) keep clinical decisions in the hands of health professionals and patients, rather than administrative personnel; (j) promote health care quality; and (k) control excessive health care costs.
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