H 4643 – Massachusetts

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2024
Link: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4643

This bill aims to enhance the market review process in Massachusetts. The key provisions of the bill: – Establishes a technical advisory committee to provide recommendations on the health care cost growth benchmark setting process and other technical advice to the Health Policy Commission. – Requires the Health Policy Commission to set a health care cost growth benchmark for a 3-year benchmark cycle and monitor performance against the benchmark. – Allows the Health Policy Commission to require certain health care entities to file and implement performance improvement plans if they exceed the cost growth benchmark. – Expands the Health Policy Commission’s authority to conduct cost and market impact reviews of provider organizations, including reviewing the market share, pricing, and total medical expenses of providers. – Requires the Department of Public Health to consider the state health plan developed by the new Health Resource Planning Council when making determination of need decisions. – Establishes new licensure requirements and oversight for office-based surgical centers and urgent care centers. – Makes various changes to the divisions and authorities within the Department of Banking, Insurance and Health Insurance. Overall, the bill aims to enhance oversight and management of health care costs and market dynamics in Massachusetts.

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