H 1261 – Massachusetts
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2021
Link: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/192/H1261
Relative to providing financial transparency for patients receiving care at hospital-based outpatient facilities. Health Care Financing. Prior to the delivery of non-emergency services, a hospital-based facility that charges or bills a facility fee for services shall inform the patient that: 1) it is licensed as part of the hospital and the patient may receive a separate charge that is in addition to and separate from the professional fee charged by the provider; 2) the patient may incur financial liability that is greater than the patient would incur if the professional medical services were not provided by a hospital-based facility; and 3) information on how the patient can obtain financial liability for the known services through the hospital or the patient’s insurance carrier, along with information that the actual liability may change depending on the actual services provided. This information shall be provided in written form before the delivery of services.
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