Cal. Gov. Code §§ 15438.7 & 15438.10: Health Facilities Financing Authority Act – California

Status: Enacted
Year Enacted: 2002
Year Amended: 2017
File: Download

With the recent passage of national health care reform, there is an increased demand for innovative ways to deliver quality health care, including preventive services, to individuals in a cost-effective manner. There is a need to develop new methods of delivering health services utilizing innovative models that can be demonstrated to be effective and then replicated throughout California and that bring community-based health care preventive services to individuals where they live or receive education, social, or general health services. Following the completion of a competitive selection process, the authority may award one or more grants that, in the aggregate, do not exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to one or more projects designed to demonstrate specified new or enhanced cost-effective methods of delivering quality health care services to improve access to quality health care for vulnerable populations or communities, or both, that are effective at enhancing health outcomes and improving access to quality health care and preventive services.

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