AB 2502 – California
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB2502
California Health Care Payments Database: This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to establish a system to collect information regarding the cost of health care. The bill would require the Secretary of California Health and Human Services, no later than January 1, 2020, to establish, implement, and administer the California Health Care Payments Database. The bill would require certain health care entities, including health care service plans, to provide specified information to the secretary. The bill would authorize the secretary to report a health care entity that fails to comply with that requirement to the health care entity’s regulating agency, and would authorize the regulating agency to enforce that requirement using its existing enforcement procedures, as specified.
The bill would require all uses of data made pursuant to these provisions to comply with all applicable state and federal laws for the protection of the privacy and security of data and would prohibit the secretary from publicly disclosing any unaggregated, individually identifiable health information.
The bill would also require the secretary to convene a review committee composed of a broad spectrum of health care stakeholders and experts, as specified, to advise the secretary on the establishment, implementation, and ongoing administration of the California Health Care Payments Database. The bill would require the secretary to arrange for the preparation of an annual report to the Legislature and the Governor that examines and addresses specified issues, including, among others, recommendations for containing the cost of health care services and coverage. The bill would prohibit members of the committee from receiving a per diem, travel expense reimbursement, or any other expense reimbursement.
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