AB 1544 – California
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2019
Year Enacted: 2020
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1544
Community Paramedicine or Triage to Alternate Destination Act – This bill would establish within the act until January 1, 2030, the Community Paramedicine or Triage to Alternate Destination Act of 2019. The bill would authorize a local EMS agency to develop a community paramedicine or triage to alternate destination program, as defined, to provide specified community paramedicine services. The bill would require the authority to develop regulations to establish minimum standards for a program and would further require the Commission on Emergency Medical Services to review and approve those regulations. The bill would require the authority to review a local EMS agency’s proposed program and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposed program no later than 6 months after it is submitted by the local EMS agency. The bill would require a local EMS agency that opts to develop a program to perform specified duties that include, among others, integrating the proposed program into the local EMS agency’s EMS plan. The bill would require the Emergency Medical Services Authority to submit an annual report on the community paramedicine or triage to alternate destination programs operating in California to the Legislature, as specified. The bill would also require the authority to contract with an independent 3rd party to prepare a final report on the results of the community paramedicine or triage to alternate destination programs on or before June 1, 2028, as specified. The bill would prohibit a person or organization from providing community paramedicine or triage to alternate destination services or representing, advertising, or otherwise implying that it is authorized to provide those services unless it is expressly authorized by a local EMS agency to provide those services as part of a program approved by the authority. The bill would also prohibit a community paramedic or a triage paramedic from providing their respective services unless the community paramedic or triage paramedic has been certified and accredited to perform those services and is working as an employee of an authorized provider. Because a violation of the act described above is punishable as a misdemeanor, and because this bill would create new requirements within the act, the bill would expand an existing crime, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. This bill would, if the county elects to develop a community paramedicine or triage to alternate destination program, require the committee to be established, if one is not already established, to include additional members, as specified, and to advise the local EMS agency on the development of its community paramedicine or triage to alternate destination program. The bill would specifically require the mayor of a city and county to appoint the membership.
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