A 9893 (see companion bill S 7191A) – New York
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2017/a9893
RELATES TO ENHANCING PHARMACEUTICAL TRANSPARENCY AND CONSUMER PROTECTION: No contract for pharmacy services entered into in the state between a health insurance carrier or a pharmacy benefit manager and a pharmacy, pharmacist or a pharmacy’s contracting agent, such as a pharmacy services administrative organization, shall contain a provision prohibiting or penalizing, including through increased utilization review, reduced payments or other financial disincentives, a pharmacist’s disclosure to an individual purchasing prescription medication of information. No health insurance carrier or PBM shall require and individual to make a payment at the point of sale for a covered prescription medication in an amount greater than the lesser of (A) the applicable copayment for such prescription medication, (B} the allowable claim amount for the prescription medication, or (C) the amount an individual would pay for the prescription without insurance.
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