A 2214 (see companion bill S 2690; combined with A 3993) – New Jersey
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bills/BillView.asp?BillNumber=A2214
PROHIBITS PHARAMCY BENEFIT MANAGERS FROM COLLECTING COPAYMENTS IN EXCESS OF CERTAIN AMOUNTS “CLAWBACKS”; REQUIRES CERTAIN LANGUAGE PROHIBITNG “GAG CLAUSES” IN CONTRACTS WITH PHARMACISTS: Prohibits a pharmacy benefits manager, in connection with any contract or arrangement with a private health insurer, prescription benefit plan, or the State Health Benefits Program or School Employees’ Health Benefits Program, from charging a covered person a copayment for a prescription drug benefit in an amount that exceeds the cost of the prescription drug that the pharmacy would charge to persons who do not purchase the drug through their health insurance coverage. The bill also requires a pharmacy benefits manager to include in any contract between the pharmacy benefits manager and a pharmacy, language that permits the pharmacy to disclose to a covered person lower cost prescription drug options, including those that are available to the covered person if the covered person purchases the prescription drug without using health insurance coverage.
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