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105 Mass. Code Regs. 130.109. Transfer of Ownership or Location: Hospital Licensure – Massachusetts
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2017
Provides requirements governing change of ownership or location of hospitals.
12 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 5301 through 5308: Uniform Trade Secrets Act – Pennsylvania
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2004
Outlines the definitions, possible forms of injunctive relief, damages, awards of attorney fees, preservation of secrecy, statute of limitations, and the effect of the Act on other laws.
15 Pa. Cons. Stat. §§ 311 through 320: Entity Transactions Law — Preliminary Provisions – Pennsylvania
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2014
Governs preliminary provisions regarding entity transactions including the relationship of the chapter to other provisions of law, regulatory conditions and required notices and approvals for transactions, and excluded entities and transactions.
15 Pa. Cons. Stat. §§ 331 through 336: Entity Transactions Law — Mergers – Pennsylvania
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2014
Governs mergers between entities, specifically the plan of mergers, approval of mergers, amendment or abandonment of mergers, statement of merger, and the effect of mergers.
15 Pa. Cons. Stat. §§ 341 through 346: Entity Transactions Law — Interest Exchange – Pennsylvania
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2014
Governs interest exchanges between entities, specifically the plan of interest exchange, approval of interest exchanges, amendment or abandonment of interest exchanges, statement of interest exchange, and the effect of interest exchanges.
15 Pa. Cons. Stat. §§ 351 through 356: Entity Transactions Law — Conversion – Pennsylvania
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2014
Governs the conversion of an entity, specifically the plan of conversion, approval of a conversion, amendment or abandonment of a conversion, statement of conversion, and the effect of the conversion.
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 1305/1-40. Substance Use Disorders; Mental Health; provider payments: Department of Human Services Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2010
For authorized Medicaid services to enrolled individuals, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery and Division of Mental Health providers shall receive payments for such authorized services, with payment occurring no later than in the […]
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 1705/15.3. Quality assurance for community mental health services: Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 1988
When the Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the Department of Human Services pays the cost, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for community mental health services and programs under the Medicaid […]
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 1705/54. Establishment of rates for purchase of service: Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 1983
Statute establishes procedures for the development, calculation, and communication of rates promulgated by the Department for the purchase of services for persons with a developmental disability and persons with mental illness. Statute requires that rates […]
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 1705/7. Care and treatment: Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 1961
The Department is required to adopt a model protocol and forms for recording all patient diagnosis, care and treatment at each State-operated facility for the mentally ill and for persons with developmental disabilities under the […]
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 1705/71a. Community Behavioral Health Care: Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2011
The Department shall strive to guarantee that persons, including children, suffering from mental illness, substance abuse, and other behavioral disorders have access to locally accessible behavioral health care providers who have the ability to treat […]
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 1705/9. Charges for outpatient services: Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 1961
Only reasonable charges shall be imposed for outpatient services at State facilities. What is reasonable shall be determined by the Department and charges may be waived for persons who are unable to make payment.
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 2215/5-1. Mandatory Utilization Review: Illinois Health Finance Reform Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 1984
Statute grants any third party payor the option to require utilization review for hospital admissions and continued hospital stays.
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 301/55-30. Rate increase: Substance Use Disorder Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2017
Department shall by rule develop the increased rate methodology and annualize the increased rate beginning with the State fiscal year 2018 to licensed providers of community-based substance use disorder intervention and treatment, based on the […]
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 505/5.35. Residential services; rates: Children and Family Services Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2009
The Department has rate-setting authority to develop a performance-based model for residential services for children under the age of 22.
20 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 505/5.45. Managed care plan services: Children and Family Services Act – Illinois
Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2018
Statute regulates Medicaid managed care organizations and plans that cover children. Statute requires managed care organizations to post certain information on its website, including defined prior authorization requirements. Prior to transitioning a child to managed […]
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© 2018- The SLIHCQ DatabaseInitial funding for this project was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.
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