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[Article Highlight] Why the Biden Administration Should Help States Develop Capitated Public Options
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor December 9, 2020
A new article published in the Milbank Quarterly Opinion proposes the new Biden administration should help states develop capitated public options as part of its health policy agenda, which could lay the groundwork for a federal public option. Authored by Source Advisory Board Member Richard Scheffler and Thomas Rice, the article examines the recent efforts of Washington and Colorado in developing quasi-public options in their states. The authors identify specific states, including California, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, as being most ready for such a risk-based capitation program. Finally, they call […]
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The Source Roundup: June 2018 Edition
Source Fellow June 1, 2018
By: Megan O’Leary, Student Fellow Happy June! In this edition of the Source Roundup, we cover five academic articles and reports from April and May. The topics this month include: 1) barriers for generics to lower specialty drug prices, 2) a call to reform pharmaceutical systems in the United States and Canada, 3) efforts by states to stabilize the individual market, 4) Vermont’s push for community-driven health care reform, and 5) antitrust lawsuits in the pharmaceutical industry. Barriers for Generics to Lower Specialty Drug Prices The Health Affairs article Generic […]
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