N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-07-04. Notice of petition for consolidation or reinsurance: Consolidation or Reinsurance of Domestic Companies

When a petition is filed, the commissioner, within thirty days after filing of the petition, shall issue an order requiring notice by mail to each policyholder of the domestic company if any of its policyholders are being reinsured or it is proposing to consolidate with another company, of the pendency of the petition and of the time when and place where a hearing on the petition will be held. The hearing must be scheduled not more than ninety days from the date of the order. The commissioner shall publish the order of notice and the petition in five newspapers, one of which must be a daily newspaper published at the state capital, at least two weeks before the hearing upon the petition. By mutual agreement between the petitioning company and the commissioner, the timeframe set forth in this section may be modified, changed, or extended.

N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-07-05.1. Hearing on petition — General duties of commissioner: Consolidation or Reinsurance of Domestic Companies

The commissioner shall hold a hearing on the petition and determine whether the consolidation or reinsurance will be allowed. The hearing must be conducted under chapter 28-32. Within sixty days of the close of the hearing, the commissioner shall enter findings of fact, conclusions of law, and an order either approving or disapproving any petition. The commissioner in making the determination shall consider the following:
1. Whether the proposed consolidation or reinsurance contract is inequitable to the policyholders of any domestic insurance company involved;
2. Whether the proposed consolidation or reinsurance contract would materially reduce the financial security of policyholders of the domestic insurer in this state or elsewhere; and
3. Whether the competence, experience, and integrity of the persons of a foreign insurance company who would control the operation of the consolidated insurance company or the reinsuring company are such that it would not be in the interest of the policyholders of the company to permit the consolidation or reinsurance contract.

The findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order entered by the commissioner are subject to appeal under chapter 28-32. The commissioner may waive the hearing if the companies involved and all the policyholders of the domestic companies involved consent to waiving the hearing.

N.D. Cent. Code §§ 26.1-06-01 through 26.1-06-13: Takeover Bids for Domestic Companies

Provides requirements related to takeover bids for domestic companies

N.D. Cent. Code § 23-30-01. Definitions: Hospital Districts

Definitions related to hospital districts in ND

N.D. Cent. Code § 23-30-02. Hospital districts authorized — Dissolution of districts: Hospital Districts

The board of county commissioners of any county, or two or more boards of county commissioners acting jointly, shall, when requested to do so by petition of twenty percent of the qualified electors of the area to be included in a proposed hospital district, as determined by those voting for governor in that geographical area at the last gubernatorial election, submit the question to the qualified electors at a special election or the next regularly scheduled primary or general election as to whether or not the qualified electors of the area desire to establish a hospital district and whether they approve of the mill levy authorized by section 23-30-07 for the purpose of supporting such hospital district. If sixty percent of the qualified electors voting in the election within the proposed district approve, the county commission or county commissions, as the case may be, shall, by resolution, create the hospital district comprising the entire area as described in the petition.

N.D. Cent. Code § 23-30-10. Hospital district may enter into contract: Hospital Districts

Any hospital district may enter into a contract with a hospital or with another district to consolidate or cooperate for mutual purposes, including, but not limited to, ambulance or emergency vehicle services, or may enter into a contract with any federal, state, or local government agency for hospital or doctor services, upon terms suitable to all concerned, and power to make such contracts is hereby conferred upon such state or local government agency in addition to such powers as have been heretofore provided by law.

N.D. Cent. Code § 23-30-11. Territory to be annexed: Hospital Districts

Any territory which is adjacent to the boundary of an existing hospital district may be annexed to such district in the manner hereinafter provided.

N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-05-07.2. Effects of redomestication: Organization and Operation of Domestic Redomestication

In the discretion of the commissioner, the certificate of authority, insurance producer appointments and licenses, rates, and other items in existence at the time an insurer licensed to transact the business of insurance in this state transfers its corporate domicile to this state or another state by merger, consolidation, or any other lawful method, continue in effect upon the transfer if the insurer remains duly qualified to transact the business of insurance in this state. An outstanding policy of a transferring insurer remains in effect and does not need to be endorsed as to the new name of the company or its new location unless so ordered by the commissioner. A transferring insurer shall file new policy forms with the commissioner on or before the effective date of the transfer, but may use existing forms with appropriate endorsements as approved by the commissioner. A transferring insurer shall notify the commissioner of the details of the proposed transfer and shall file promptly any resulting amendments to corporate documents filed or required to be filed with the commissioner.

N.D. Cent. Code § 11-28.3-01. Territory to be organized — Petition: Rural Ambulance Service Districts

Whenever twenty percent of the qualified electors, as determined by the vote cast in the last preceding gubernatorial election, residing in any rural territory, equivalent in area to one township or more not presently served by an existing emergency medical service, elect to form, organize, establish, equip, and maintain a rural ambulance service district, they shall signify their intention by presenting to the county auditor of the county or counties in which the territory is situated a petition setting forth the desires and purposes of the petitioners.

N.D. Cent. Code § 11-28.3-05. Notice by county auditor of meeting to organize district: Rural Ambulance Service Districts

If a rural ambulance service district is approved as provided in this chapter, the county auditor of the county in which the proposed district is located shall issue notice of a public meeting to organize the rural ambulance service district.