HB 1149
Altering the definition of "hospital" to require a hospital located outside the State that provides outpatient services to patients in the State to provide a certain written notice regarding outpatient facility fees under certain circumstances; altering the required contents of the written notice regarding outpatient facility fees; and requiring the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission to study and make recommendations regarding hospital outpatient facility fees.
HB 1388
Applying to certain veterinary and health care professionals certain provisions of law stating that certain noncompete and conflict of interest provisions in certain employment contracts are null and void as being against the public policy of the State; establishing certain prohibitions regarding noncompete and conflict of interest provisions for certain health care employment contracts and similar documents and agreements; and requiring the Maryland Health Care Commission to study certain issues related to the health care market in the State.
SB 1103
Hospitals and Related Institutions – Outpatient Facility Fees
SB 1182
Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Clauses - Veterinary and Health Care Professionals
HB 1388
This bill applies to certain noncompete and conflict of interest clauses in employment contracts for health care and veterinary professionals in Maryland. According to the bill, it is null and void for employment contracts to contain noncompete or conflict of interest clauses that prevent an employee from entering employment with a new employer or becoming self-employed in the same or similar profession. It defines these limitations as being against the state's public policy.
HB 619
This bill proposes the establishment of a Commission on Universal Health Care in Maryland. The commission's goal would be to assess the feasibility of implementing a universal healthcare program that provides health benefits to all state residents through a single-payer system.
HB 876
This bill aims to regulate how pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) operate in regards to specialty drugs. PBMs are companies that manage prescription drug benefits on behalf of health insurers. The bill prohibits PBMs from requiring beneficiaries to use a specific pharmacy or entity for a specialty drug if the drug is dispensed by a physician for a chronic, complex, rare, or life-threatening condition and meets certain criteria. It also prevents PBMs from reimbursing a pharmacy or pharmacist in an amount less than what the PBM itself or an affiliate gets for the same product [...]
HB 880
This bill amends the reimbursement levels for drug products that the Maryland Medical Assistance Program (a state-funded health insurance program for low-income residents) is required to establish. This also applies to pharmacy benefit managers that contract with a pharmacy on behalf of a managed care organization. The reimbursement level will be at least equal to the national average drug acquisition cost of the generic product plus the fee-for-service professional dispensing fee. The bill also broadens the definition of a "purchaser" in laws regulating pharmacy benefits managers to include certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, [...]