Hospital’s $55M Deal To End 16-Year Antitrust Case Gets OK

Summary of State Legislative Efforts Aimed at Health Care Transformation Reforms

HB 3957

Creates the Pharmaceutical and Health Affordability: Restrictions on Manufacturers’ Amoral Behavior through Reasonable Oversight Act. Provides that a manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor shall not engage in price gouging in the sale of an essential off-patent or generic drug. Provides that the Director of Healthcare and Family Services or Director of Central Management Services may notify the Attorney General of any increase in the price of any essential off-patent or generic drug under the Medical Assistance Program under the Illinois Public Aid Code or a State health plan, respectively, that amounts to price gouging. Provides that whenever the Attorney General has reason to believe that a manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor of an essential off-patent or generic drug has violated the Act, the Attorney General shall send a notice to the manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor requesting a specified statement. Provides that within 45 days after receipt of the request, the manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor shall submit the statement to the Attorney General. Provides that to accomplish the objectives and carry out the duties prescribed in the Act, the Attorney General may issue subpoenas or examine under oath any person to determine whether a manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor has violated the Act. Provides that upon petition of the Attorney General, a circuit court may issue specified orders against violations of the Act. Contains provisions concerning the disclosure of financial information provided by a manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor to the Attorney General. Effective January 1, 2024.

SB 1300

Amends the Medical Patient Rights Act. Establishes the right of each patient to receive from his or her health care provider an estimated cost of nonemergency medical treatment prior to undergoing the nonemergency medical treatment.

SB 1344

Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that an individual or group policy of accident and health insurance amended, delivered, issued, or renewed in the State on or after (rather than only after) January 1, 2024 shall provide coverage for all abortifacients, hormonal therapy medication, human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis drugs approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, and follow-up services related to that coverage. Effective immediately.

SB 1408

Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that drugs prescribed to residents of the following facilities are not subject to prior approval as a result of the 4-prescription limit: (i) long-term care facilities as defined in the Nursing Home Care Act; (ii) community-integrated living arrangements as defined in the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act; (iii) supportive living facilities as defined in the Code; (iv) intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities as defined in the ID/DD Community Care Act; and (v) medically complex for the developmentally disabled facilities as defined in the MC/DD Act.

SB 1559

Creates the Access to Affordable Insulin Act. Sets forth provisions concerning an insulin urgent-need program. Provides that the Department of Public Health shall establish procedures and applications for the insulin urgent-need program. Sets forth provisions concerning insulin urgent-need program exceptions, eligibility, forms, applications, claims and reimbursement, copayments, information sheets, and navigators. Defines terms. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. In provisions concerning cost sharing in prescription insulin drugs, provides that an insurer that provides coverage for prescription insulin drugs under the terms of a health coverage plan the insurer offers shall limit the total amount that an insured is required to pay for a 30-day supply of covered prescription insulin drugs at an amount not to exceed $35 (rather than $100). Effective immediately.

SB 1585

Amends the Telehealth Act. Provides that the definition of “health care professional” includes athletic trainers.

SB 1618 (see companion bill HB 1348)

Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that no later than July 1, 2024, each health plan and pharmacy benefit manager operating in this State shall, upon request of a covered individual, his or her health care provider, or an authorized third party on his or her behalf, furnish specified cost, benefit, and coverage data to the covered individual, his or her health care provider, or the third party of his or her choosing and shall ensure that the data is: (1) current no later than one business day after any change is made; (2) provided in real time; and (3) in a format that is easily accessible to the covered individual or, in the case of his or her health care provider, through an electronic health records system. Provides that the format of the request shall use specified industry content and transport standards. Provides that a facsimile is not an acceptable electronic format. Provides that upon request, specified data shall be provided for any drug covered under the covered individual’s health plan. Makes other changes. Defines terms.

SB 1636

Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that for the purpose of removing barriers to the timely treatment of serious mental illnesses, prior authorization mandates and utilization management controls shall not be imposed under the fee-for-service and managed care medical assistance programs on any FDA-approved prescription drug that is recognized by a generally accepted standard medical reference as effective in the treatment of conditions specified in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association. Provides that the following shall be permitted for prescription drugs covered under the amendatory Act: (i) clinically appropriate drug utilization review (DUR) edits, including, but not limited to, drug-to-drug, drug-age, and drug-dose; (ii) generic drug substitution if a generic drug is available for the prescribed medication in the same dosage and formulation; and (iii) any utilization management control that is necessary for the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to comply with any current consent decrees or federal waivers. Defines “serious mental illness”.