HB 5931

To allow (1) a person or health care entity that fails to seek certificate of need approval to be subject to a civil penalty whether or not such failure was wilful, and (2) the executive director of the Office of Health Strategy to issue cease and desist orders to any person or health care entity that violates a provision of chapter 368z of the general statutes.

HB 6532

An Act requiring a study of the impact of hospital consolidations and the acquisition of hospitals by private equity firms. To determine whether hospital consolidations and the acquisition of hospitals by private equity firms have a negative impact on health care access quality and cost.

HB 6620

To exclude the following in contracts between health carriers and health care providers: (1) All-or-nothing clauses; (2) anti-steering clauses; (3) anti-tiering clauses; (4) gag clauses; and (5) most-favored health carrier or health plan administrator clauses.

HB 6894

An Act concerning certificates of need. To require an evaluation of the certificate of need application process.

SB 95

To increase oversight of the acquisition of physician practices and improve patient care.

HB 5247

To increase health care institution ownership transparency by requiring private equity firms that purchase or make large investments in health care institutions in the state to disclose certain financial information prior to such purchase or investment.

HB 5485

To require a study of the costs and benefits of transitioning from the current health care system in the state to a universal, single payer health care system.

HB 5139

An Act eliminating the certificate of need program. To improve access to and reduce the costs of health care.

Judge Won’t Let Conn. Health System Out Of Antitrust Suit

How health systems are battling price-gouging allegations