States are ramping up scrutiny of health transactions, as more provider groups look for buyers

‘Surprise Billing’ Law Can’t Pin Insurer, Conn. Justices Told

‘Shell game’: When private equity comes to town, hospitals can see cutbacks, closures

SB 983

An Act limiting anticompetitive health care prices, includign all-or-nothing, anti-steering, anti-tiering, and gag clauses.

HB 6678

To require (1) transparent cost reporting by nursing homes, and (2) disclosure of private equity ownership by applicants for nursing home licensure.

HB 6494

This bill sets limits on the use of “covenant not to compete” provisions in employment contracts. Under the bill, a “covenant not to compete” (i.e., noncompete agreement) means a contract, provision, or agreement that restrains a worker (employee or independent contractor) from, or imposes penalties for, engaging in any kind of profession, occupation, trade, or business in a geographic area for a set period after separation from employment. The bill excludes from this definition (1) nonsolicitation agreements that meet certain standards, (2) nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements, (3) agreements not to reapply with the same employer after being terminated, and (4) any contract or agreement made (a) in anticipation of a sale of a business’s goodwill or all of the seller’s ownership interest in a business or (b) as part of a partnership or ownership agreement.

HB 6282

To end the practice of forced noncompete agreements in the state.

SB 1116

Modifying application of cost growth bencmark. To: (1) Implement a reinsurance program; (2) include hospitals in the health care cost growth and primary care spending target benchmark program administered by the Office of Health Strategy; and (3) require certain health insurers, preferred provider networks and other entities to include certain provisions in contracts with health care providers regarding reimbursement for certain covered health benefits.

SB 450

To require the Comptroller and the Office of Health Strategy to (1) conduct a study evaluating public option health care plans in other states, and (2) submit a report, including a recommendation for a public option health care plan in this state, to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to insurance.

SB 170

To eliminate the certificate of need program for health care providers.